Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Pedicabs Pedicabs Pedicabs!! =))

Mode of transportation is probably one of the most important thing that we must have. Due to early classes or work, I really think no one could get on or before the time if we don't have any means of transportation.

I am just so glad that here in the Philippines, there are a lot of ways that we can use in transporting ourselves from one point to the other. One of the most commonly used transportation is by now I think you all now, the "Padyak" or Sidecar or Pedicab, whatever you want to call it. Haha.

Aside from jeepneys, in which are known throughout the nation or probably even the whole world, it is better to know that we have this "padyaks" that give us convenience if you really wanted to go to a place that is within a certain location where no huge vehicles could get in. It is like a taxi but an open-air version and maximum of 3 people only =)).

"Padyaks" are certainly cool but sometimes they can be abusive with the price that they ask their passenger. Gladly, I haven't been to a sidecar like that because I think the "padyaks" in Binondo are pretty good and I know some of them so they can't be abusive.

So this set takes you to a place where it deals with PADYAKs. The 1st pic shows how they can disobey laws. Haha.. If you are a Filipino, I am pretty sure you know what I mean. I'll explain then it to you guys, the sign there on the lamp post means that side cars are not allowed on that place, but there's still a sidecar. =))

The other one is also a pic and nothing more. Hehe.. =))


Piz out!! =))


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